My Life In Photos

January has been a cold and snowy month. The cats have become our shadows more than normal since they tend to want more cuddles while it's colder. We've been spending a lot of nights in playing Scrabble, watching movies, and playing video games. It's been quite enjoyable and cozy.

Logan is always interested in helping when I'm filling catnip toys. These were still empty but he knew the catnip would be coming.


I ordered some tea for a Winter pick me up.

I've been baking quite a bit this month and I was excited to pull out my icing colours again for a recipe. I need to dye more things!

To keep up with exercising more regularly, I picked up a yoga mat (yes, an Orla Kiely one from Target!) and have started doing yoga again. I feel so good afterwards. I love how it stretches you out completely. And it's incredibly relaxing until a cold cat nose touches your bare skin.

Thrift store finds.

I've been enjoying the pretty sunsets after cold Winter days.

On a recent walk we spotted the moon in a picture-perfect blue sky. And don't let this sky fool you, it was -20 degrees Celsius out.

How was January for you?
xo Jen


  1. omgosh that orange cat sitting!!! so cute!

    1. He sits likes that all the time. He's such a dork!
