Halloween Recap

During the week leading up to Halloween we made a point of buying some Halloween candies, watched some horror movies, and carved a pumpkin. I made up a quick batch of lemon cookies with black sugar sprinkles that week as well. Halloween day and night was really gloomy here. It rained all day and the fog was thick. On the weekend we did attend a Halloween party which was last minute because of changes in our work schedules. We came up with some quick and easy costumes. Overall, I'd say our first Halloween in Sudbury was a success!


Halloween treats are much needed this week. I'm exhausted.  #pumpkin #eyeball #autumn #halloween #candycorn

Lemon Cookies

Our pumpkin

It was such a gloomy day here. The fog was perfect for Halloween but it would have been nice if the rain stopped. #halloween #pumpkin

Our costumes

kitty costume
Rick Grimes

I clearly based my costume on Logan... and Adam was Rick Grimes minus the beard and gun.
kitty costume

Did you have a fun Halloween?
xo Jen

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