S'mores Recipes

Today is the last day of IGGPPCamp (which you can read about here) and in celebration of it I made a couple of s'mores recipes recently.

A recipe for S'mores French Toast was shared on the IGGPPC blog a few days ago. You can find the recipe here. I unfortunately wasn't able to join in the bake-along for it yesterday so I made the french toast the other day when both Adam and myself were off work.

Holy crap, it's incredible! If you like s'mores and french toast please do yourself a favour and try this recipe out!

The second recipe I made was a s'mores dip. I shared the recipe on the IGGPPC blog today. You can check out the recipe here. It was incredibly easy to make and so good!

Did you participate in any #IGGPPCamp activities this past weekend? As usual it was super fun and it's a little sad that it's over for the year.

xo Jen

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