2014 Convention Schedule

It's almost comic convention season! The first convention I'll be doing is in less than 2 weeks! I'm excited, nervous, and stressed out as usual. I'm sewing like crazy and over-preparing like normal. Our home is covered in thread bits, fabric scraps, and freshly ironed bags and pillowcases.

I'm focusing on the three biggest comic conventions I've done in the past this year. I want to have a huge selection at each of these shows, meet new people, make contacts, and just have a blast.

Comic Convention Schedule: 

Toronto ComiCon 
March 7-9, 2014
Table - A225

Niagara Falls Comic Con
June 6-8, 2014
Table - Artist Alley ?

Fan Expo Canada
August 28-31, 2014
Table - Artist Alley ?

There's a couple smaller conventions in the Fall this year I might want to check out as well, either as an exhibitor or spectator.

What conventions are you attending this year?
xo Jen

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