A lovely lady offered to send me a bag of both Pumpkin Spice and Candy Corn M&Ms! I was so excited to get them in the mail. I knew I had to try some M&Ms on their own but I also wanted to bake with them.
After finding this recipe on pinterest, I knew Candy Corn M&M cookies were going to happen! The only thing I changed was I substituted unsweetened applesauce for the oil. The cookies turned out super good! As usual when I add applesauce, the cookies are a bit cakey but we like them like that in this household.
The best part was finding a bigger piece of M&M inside the cookie and the white chocolate would just melt in your mouth. Needless to say, these cookies didn't last too long.
After making these, I also made up some sugar cookies as per Adam's request (as good as they are, they're a GIANT pain in the ass to make) and decided to use some of the Autumn leaves sprinkles I bought at The Bulk Barn.
I earned some points with Adam by adding some almond buttercream to some of the cookies too.
Sugar cookies are not my favourite, but the frosted ones are especially yummy! A week later, though, and I'm still finding little sprinkle leaves randomly throughout my kitchen.
I want to try out so many more cookie and cake recipes this month! Expect at least two more Autumn/Halloween-themed baking posts (not kidding!).
xo Jen
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