These are some pictures from the weekend. I was in a semi-dark corner in the room and even though I saw a lot of cosplay as I ventured to the washroom or to explore the other floors, we didn't get many of them down the aisles in Artist Alley. I posted more photos from the weekend on my Facebook page. One of the highlights from my weekend was meeting Mara Wilson on Sunday. She was incredibly sweet which didn't surprise me at all.
Day 1:
My Table.
What I wore on the first day - my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles necklace and turtle green tank.
Day 2:
My Table.
Such a cute cosplay - the Doctor and Rose.
I bought the cutest button from Rancid Yogurt.
Day 3:
My Table.
I love this photo... we went to check out the terrace during Sunday afternoon and there was a Quidditch match going on in the far background, Rose and the Doctor were dancing on the platform, and Ursula and Ariel were getting photos taken. Oh, and there's a red furry dragon lounging beside the garden.
What I wore on the last day - my new t-shirt that I got for my birthday!
It was a fun weekend. I enjoyed not having to drive far since the convention was in downtown Hamilton and not very far from my parents'. But to be honest, these smaller cons just make me more and more excited for Toronto Fan Expo!
xo Jen
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