Sickness, Aliens and short hair?

This week has been pretty crappy here... I've developed a full blow cold since the con last weekend. I actually slept through the entire night last night which is the first time I have all week. I ended up napping with the kitties late morning today as well. I'm hoping a day of relaxing will get me feeling back to normal again.

Outside of work, I've been busy with other things this week. I'm officially confirmed for two more comic conventions this year:
* Art-O-Con - May 5
* ConBravo! - July 26-28

I've already started to feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of shows I'm doing this year so I need to get my butt in gear and start sewing!!

Me and Adam had a date night last night which was very needed. We went to the movies to use one of our movie coupons from Christmas. We saw Dark Skies. I didn't realize the movie was about sci-fi/alien stuff. The trailer freaked me out and I just assumed it was a horror movie but Adam assumed it was about aliens which is why he was interested in seeing it. Either way, it was a good movie. I love Keri Russell so I'm a bit biased but the movie did its job and creeped the hell out of me.

The rest of March is looking to be quite busy for me. We have Easter dinners to attend, I have a One of a Kind show date, a game night planned, and I'm hoping to squeeze in a hair cut.

I've been growing my hair for a solid 2 years now... but I'm tempted to go a bit shorter again. Maybe a long bob? I don't know. I love some of the photos I've found, but I have no idea if I'll regret cutting my hair that much.

Anyways, I hope you all have a lovely weekend! I'm heading to my parents' tonight for some visiting and board games. I'll be spending most of tomorrow prepping some sewing projects until my shift at work!

xo Jen