New Year

Happy New Year's Eve! I have to admit that I don't have any big plans for the evening. Adam works late so I'm spending the night on the couch watching Supernatural and maybe a chick flick until he gets home. It works out since not only have I been working non-stop for the last couple of weeks, but I've also caught a cold. My chest is on fire and my throat feels like it's been cut up so it's best for me not to speak much.

I spent some time over the weekend looking back at the last year and coming up with a list of goals for 2013 - both personal and professional things I'd like to work on and work towards.

2012 Recap:

It was a crazy year both personally and professionally. Adam graduated college and we made the big move back to Hamilton while he looks for a paramedic job. We were in Welland for only 2 years but it felt really strange coming back to Hamilton. I love being near my family and friends here but I do miss Welland, especially the canal and the walks we went on.

I had my most successful comic convention year yet which is why I started to keep better and precise track of the financial side of Sparklegirl. This is helping me to make better decisions on what shows I should and shouldn't do for the future. Etsy was also a big success this past year. The main reason why, I think, is from the advertising I've been getting from some amazing supporters through Facebook, twitter and other blogs.

2013 Goals:


* Fitness and Health - Since moving in September, I haven't kept up with my workouts. They've become sporadic and I'm not going for as many walks. I have noticed a big change in my energy level so between a workout schedule and getting my thyroid checked regularly, hopefully I can start feeling more energized this year. 

* Sleep - I have never been one to get get a lot of sleep. I stay up way too late and then feel like a zombie in the morning when my alarm goes off. Over the last couple of weeks I have made a point of going to bed earlier than normal and I need to continue this. I can't function properly off of 5-6 hours sleep anymore.

* Decorate apartment - We are officially unpacked since moving. But there's still pictures to be hung and we need curtains in the spare room. I want to work on making this apartment our home and not just a layover place until Adam finds a paramedic position.


* Blog - I'm incredibly happy with my blog and I want to continue working on it throughout 2013. I want to change the layout slightly, add more blog links, and finally create a blog button for it. But I want to continue with the direction it has taken over the past 6 months or so. It's one of my favourite creative outlets.

* Crafts - Make more skirts! haha. Seriously though, I'm going to fill my Spring and Summer wardrobe with cotton skirts and I'm going to make sure I have some awesome ones for the conventions this upcoming year.

* Etsy - Update my shop monthly (it's so hard to do sometimes).

* Podcasts - I have been invited on a few podcasts and I kept putting it off because of my lack of microphone (and maybe my nerves). But I really need to get a mic that works and just get over my stage fright. I look forward to having conversations with these awesome people.

* Store Consignment - It's been a goal for the last couple of years, but I need this to be the year that I contact some stores about carrying my items.

* Conventions/Shows - I will be cutting out a few shows in 2013 that just weren't profitable enough for me in 2012. I am also applying to a couple of new shows that I've never done before and we'll see how that goes. And it looks like at Toronto ComiCon I'll be sharing a table with the guys from An Elegant Weapon. I have a feeling it'll be a really fun weekend with them.

This is just a snippet of some of the things I have in mind for 2013. I don't want to make this a huge post so I'm trying to keep it to the basic goals, plus I have a few things in mind I'd like to keep to myself until things get under way.

Thank you for your support this past year! I'm excited for 2013 to start!

xo Jen


  1. Love that closing image! Sounds like it's been a busy year, and those 2013 resolutions will definitely keep you on your toes. Here's to a great 2013!

  2. Best of luck with your resolutions!
