Holiday Fun

It's countdown to Christmas now. My hubby finishes up his exams today which means I get 3 weeks of holiday fun with him while he's off school. We have a dinner date tonight and plans to make a gingerbread house tomorrow and then we start our family visiting this weekend. I still have a few things left to bake over the next week as well. It's going to be so much fun <3

Have a great day!
xo Jen


  1. Hi.:) Following you from Blogging Buddies.
    I love that first pic with all the little trees! so cute.

  2. Hi! Thanks! I'd love to have a shelf full of little trees like that but my one kitty would probably chew on them. He's a bit of a brat hehe.

  3. The ginger bread house is absolutely beautiful. Looking forward to my one this year also.

    following from blogging buddies
