Gift Guide: Part 3

The last Gift Guide! Today I'm sharing ideas for babies and kids - age 3 months to 3 years approximately. I find children's and babies' toys hard because the suggested age isn't the most accurate. But the suggestions I have on my Gift Guide have worked wonderfully for my 2 children and for kids I've bought them for. 

1. Oball Classic - both of my babies have had one of these and I buy them for everyone! It's the best first toy for a baby because their little fingers can grip it so easily. Plus it's a soft and flexible material so they can squish it into their face and it doesn't hurt.

2. Water Wow - this was one of the best gifts Emma received and it's inexpensive and doesn't look like much. But the joy and hours she played with this was amazing. You fill the 'brush' with water and 'paint' the special pages which change colour when wet. It says the age is 3+ but Emma was playing with this just before she turned 2. We got her another one for this Christmas.

3. Wood Knob Puzzle - any wooden knob puzzle is fantastic. Emma has a few of them. They're great for their development, they're easy for them to pick up, and I found it was harder to lose pieces since they're chunky and stand out.

4. Laugh & Learn Tea Set - any Laugh & Learn set is great for babies and toddlers. They light up, sing, usually have an educational aspect (like counting, colours, alphabet). Emma received this tea set for her first birthday and she still plays with it. She loved the songs and lights from the get-go but now she uses it for imaginative play.

5. Bandana Buddies - I knew I wanted one from working at Babies R Us for 5 years. This toy is super popular amongst parents and babies. The brand is great quality, the toy has a hook so the baby can't throw it out of the chair or stroller, and all the hanging activities on it are great for teething and entertainment. We had a couple for Emma and now Lily is playing with them. 

6. Learning Resources Play Food - this is another item that usually says 3+ but Emma received a lot of it for her first birthday. This play food is AMAZING quality. It's not only realistic, but the material is great. And I can say from experience, the material is pretty much dog-proof. Our dog has destroyed some play food, but nothing from this brand has been destroyed. And she steals the damn watermelon slice daily.

7. Mega Bloks - a classic item that's actually great for toddlers. We've built towers, houses, castles, cars, and so much more with Emma. Sometimes she wants help and other times she sits and builds by herself. At first I didn't think she'd care for it but it's quickly become one of the most common toys she reaches for. 

What other baby and toddler toys would you add? Between the years of working at Toys R Us/Babies R Us and now having 2 young children, I have a lot of toy knowledge. I should be a personal shopper for new Moms!


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