2017 Reading Challenge

As I've stated in numerous posts, I LOVE Goodreads. If you're an avid reader, you need an account. The app is my favourite since I can add books I want to read on the go or when a friend recommends a book to me. It also has a wide range of comic books listed too so you can also keep track of comics through your account.

My reading goal for 2016 was to read 30 books. I did it! I actually read 41 books since I was counting comic trades along with novels and audio books.

Some of my favourite books that I read in 2016 were:

I decided to up my reading challenge for 2017 since I find I'm reading more than ever right now. I upped my challenge to 50 books for 2017. So we'll see how I do. 

Did you do a reading challenge last year? Are you doing one for 2017?
xo Jen

1 comment

  1. I love to read, and Goodreads. Unfortunately I have not read as much as I would have liked last year, but I intend to do better this year. Much better than watching movies. lol
