Christmas Baking

I made a list a couple of weeks ago of things I wanted to bake for Christmas. Surprisingly I've gotten through more of the list than I expected to considering how exhausted I've been from work.

First up, I made ginger cookies, which I made last year (find the recipe here). I love these cookies so much!

Then because I had picked up holiday baking chips at Bulk Barn I made some basic double chocolate chip cookies which satisfy chocolate cravings very well.

And as usual I made a tray of Magic Bars. Both mine and Adam's families have been making Magic Bars every Christmas for as long as we can remember. I find everyone has their own unique twist on these bars but I attached the recipe we use. They're so amazing. I don't want to share them with anyone.

Last, I made up a batch of Fruitcake cookies for Adam. I really don't like fruitcake. I actually don't like the candied fruit. The cookies are apparently good. I tried a small one but they didn't provide much satisfaction.

What have you been baking for the holiday season?
xo Jen

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