My Mom and cousin came up to visit for a couple days earlier this month. Since Mary hadn't seen the Big Nickel yet, we went to check it out. It was a gorgeous day to be out so it was perfect.
As you can see, we're both big dorks!
Before they came up to visit, I whipped up a batch of classic peanut butter cookies. For whatever reason, this batch turned out perfect! The cookies were delicious.
Hot weather = Ice cream!
I'm still reading lots and lots of X-Men comics, but I've also started Ms Marvel and Lumberjanes this month. Both of which I LOVE!
I also picked up the first two issues of izombie when I was last at the comic book store.
The hot weather has made the kitties extra lazy. Actually, let's be honest, everything makes the cats lazy. The biggest difference is where they decide to be lazy. In the heat, they've been spending most of their days on top of the cool sheets on the bed.
Was June a good month for you? I'm pretty excited for July.... my birthday is in less than two weeks and we get the keys to our house at the end of the month!
xo Jen
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