What I'm Loving Now

It's crazy that May is more than half over. I have a feeling Spring and Summer are going to fly by because there's so much going on over the next few months. 


Because I'm in full comic convention prep mode, I've been listening to audio books like crazy and watching a ton of TV while working on sewing projects. I finished the second book in The Lunar Chronicles series, Scarlet. This story intertwined with the first book, Cinder, but it was based on the 'Little Red Riding Hood' fairy tale. Well, not based on, but it had elements from the fairy tale. I'm completely head over heels about this series. I'm starting the third book, Cress, tomorrow and I'm pretty excited to continue the story. 

The Mindy Project

It's a little sad all the TV shows are over for the season. Most of them anyways. The Mindy Project season finale was so perfect! I won't go into detail in case you're not caught up, but it was such a sweet and adorable episode. I just adore this show and Mindy Kaling. I want to own all the seasons so I can watch it over and over again.

Mickey Mouse Nails

So I've never attempted any sort of nail art, but if I were to try it out, I'd try this one first. How cute is it?! It's perfect for summer, simple, and it's such an adorable design!

What have you been loving lately?
xo Jen

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