Spring officially arrived in Sudbury this month. It's slowly gotten warmer and the sun's been out a lot. It was a little odd during the first couple of weeks in May because even though it was beautiful out, there were still a lot of plants and trees completely bare.
At the beginning of the month we had to head downtown for an appointment so we parked a bit out of the way and walked to our appointment. But afterwards we decided to check out the hill we parked on... we ended up finding a pathway which led to the top and had a pretty good view of the city.
A random sight at the top of the hill.
During the long weekend a couple of weeks ago we headed down to Bell Park. It was the first real summer-like day. Shorts and tank tops were necessary. It was a perfect day to go for a walk along the lake.
I'm so happy that sunny weather is here. I can already feel the dark lonely moods that took over during the Winter months lifting. I'm excited for random adventures during the Spring and Summer months!
xo Jen
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