What I'm Loving Now

What have you been reading and watching lately? There are SO many television shows and books I want to get too! I'm so thankful when I can multi-task, like with audio books. I love being able to listen to books while I sew or bake or clean. 


After numerous recommendations, I got The Lunar Chronicles audio books. The first book in the series is Cinder. It's a spin on the classic Cinderella fairy tale. Now let me tell you, it's nothing like you expect! But in a very good way. Cinder is a cyborg living in New Beijing at some point in the future. There's hovercrafts, a plague, and lunar people. It's a great story and I flew through the book. But the ending leaves you with so many unanswered questions. I had to start the second book in the series, Scarlet, right away to continue the story. I'm maybe 1/3 through Scarlet and so far it's almost as good as Cinder. 

Cougar Town 

So many television shows have already finished for the season and the rest are a couple of episodes away to ending for the season. Since I didn't have as many shows to watch recently, I ended up power watching Season 5 of Cougar Town. The show is so quirky and funny. I really love some of the characters. And there was some good story lines and character development in this season.

Marshmallow Macaron Tea

During a recent trip to the mall I stopped in Teavana to check out their new Spring teas. As soon as I smelled the Marshmallow Macaron tea, I knew it had to come home with me. It smells so sweet and delicious. And now I can't stop drinking it. It's delicious! Very vanilla-tasting, with a marshmallow aftertaste. And the tea is pink after it steeps and of course that matters. I highly recommend this tea if you're a fan of vanilla and sweet teas!

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
xo Jen

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