My Weekend in Photos

I was lucky enough to have both Friday and Saturday off this weekend which was nice and very needed. I got a lot of crafting done and relaxed. Adam had placements all weekend so it was just me and the kitties hanging out most of the time... which is why there are so many pictures of them... I'm not a crazy cat lady, I swear...

Seymore and Logan
They both spent a lot of time at the window with the leaves blowing around. Seymore kept jumping at the leaves when they blew against the building.

Seymore on my lap
Seymore's my suck and he loves cuddling.

He also sits like a guy. See the scratches above his eye?? I don't know if he did it himself or if they're wounds from a fight with Logan.

Logan always look so harmless though.

Logan and Seymore Leaf Garland
I finally got around to making a felt leaf garland! It was fun and simple to make, except for having two kitties jumping at the embroidery thread the whole time.

Fall Walk Me and Adam
We actually made it out of the apartment for a bit on Saturday for a walk. The sun was shining but it was oh so windy! I may have flashed a few cars along the way...

Fall Walk

I'm excited to go watch Pan Am and then read a bit before bed. I'm in a snuggly mood.
xo Jen


  1. Great pics! Thanks for sharing. =)
    I'm now following you on Pinterest too!
    from Blogging Buddies team

  2. Forgot to tell you...Great job on the felt garland!

  3. Sounds like a perfect weekend! Love the garland.

  4. Hey! So I found you on the 'follower' thread on Blogging Buddies and I was immediately loving your blog when I saw cats right away! I'm a new follower! Your felines are soooo gorgeous! Seymore's eyes are so pretty! I feel your pain when it comes to embroidery thread and cats! I was hand sewing elbow patches onto a sweater with embroidery thread and my youngest feline would NOT leave it alone! Anywho...I'll stop rambling about cats now. : )


  5. Thanks everyone!

    Kim, I will head over to Pinterest to follow you too!

    Jenna, Thank you! I just headed over to your blog and I love it too! Your one kitty looks like Seymore!

    xo Jen
