Brave... so excited!

I cannot wait until June 2012 to see this movie. I know the trailer has been all over the Internet lately but it looks so good. Pixar movies are amazing. And I love Merida's wild ginger hair <3

Anyone else excited for this movie?
xo Jen


  1. Haven't been to a movie in years - but then, at 71 it's so much easier to wait until the DVD is out and see it in the comfort of one's own chair!

    Real auburn hair is wonderful - in my youth, I spent good money attempting to encourage my highlights to grow overwhelming!

    In the interim and when I realised it was fruitless, I learned to make toys, and began to sell them on Etsy about 18 months ago. I blog and post about them (via Blogging Buddies and the Etsy Blog Team)and invite you to pop in, when you've a moment; all comments are most welcome and I'll be following you too. Hope you'll return the favour! You're just 2 ahead of me at!!

  2. Thanks so much for the comment! I checked out your blog as well. Your plush toys are really adorable. I love the bunnies!

    I definitely spend too much money and time on trying to keep my hair a reddish hue. Oh well, it's become an obsession.
